Features for Homeowners

Features for Homeowners
Everything you need to manage your property

Discussion Groups

Discussions can be private (i.e. within your group) or public. Discuss any topic that arises concerning your property - at any time and without needing to organise a face-to-face meeting.

Task Management

A simple task management function that allows all of your neighbours to see the current status of any task. A task can be assigned to a particular person.


With MyFactor you can set up a vote for any issue that concerns the group - and the vote can be either public or anonymous.


Email would be used primarily to contact, for example, external contractors or your factor (if they are not on the MyFactor system). However, it can also be used to contact other groups on MyFactor. Each group of properties gets their own email address: e.g. if you call your group of homeowners "26mainstreet" then your email address would be 26mainstreet@myfactor.co.uk.

Meeting Management

Although MyFactor allows you to manage all your communications on-line, sometimes you'll want to have a meeting with all homeowners in person. MyFactor also helps you organise these - from deciding on the agenda to recording the decisions made and the full minutes.

Trade/Contractor Directory

As a MyFactor user you'll get access to a directory of tradespeople that has been built by other MyFactor users. And with the networking features, you'll be able to find out who to avoid, as well as who to use. In addition, you'll have access to the WorkConnect directory for information on tradespeople not yet listed in MyFactor.

Document Creation

MyFactor provides a basic on-line word processor that is more than adequate for producing letters, quotes and most other documents.

Document Control

Keeping track of letters, quotations and invoices is difficult without a system like MyFactor. If you send a letter to your factor a copy of it can be stored in the system.

Text Messaging

You can use text messaging to reach any contractor who is registered to receive them. You can also use text messaging to interact with MyFactor from your phone - e.g. to post a message or to vote.