Options for Homeowners

Options for Homeowners
MyFactor is completely flexible - you decide how your property management is carried out

The benefits you get from using MyFactor depend on whether you are self-factoring or prefer to use a traditional factor. The main difference between the different types of factoring comes down to who makes the decisions, and with MyFactor you can decide exactly how much decision making to keep under your control. It's useful to split factoring into three basic types:


Self-factoring appears to have been growing in popularity in recent years and MyFactor was originally devised specifically for this.


Factor "Lite"

This is a new approach to factoring, where the factor acts only in an advisory role. This approach is useful where the group of homeowners would like control over all decisions, but where they also want an independent arbiter to help manage any disagreement within the group.


Full Factor

This is the traditional factoring approach, where the factor makes all decisions regarding who does repairs and when.